Misty Is No Mystery
by Misty (20-G-1) FPE
"Darling, that little dress of mine looks much better on you than on me--if you would like it, you may have it! ! ! " Those precious words were spoken to me by my Mother just five years ago on the occasion of one of her infrequent visits to my home here in the East. She has since then passed on, and to say the least, I miss her terribly. Not that I was a Mothers' boy - - - far from it, but that the bond of understanding and trust which existed between us was founded on love, and the full knowledge that her son loved to play a dual role whenever possible. The little house dress she gave me that day, still hangs in my closet along with approximately forty others of extreme importance in my heart.
This is actually a "True-Life" account, with no em- bellishments, and should not be the exception to the old adage that "Truth is stranger than fiction." Can anything be more strange or more fascinating than a story of a person who for 50 years has been first boy and then girl, then man and woman, all in one body. These two souls, if you please, have, been gently but firmly contesting for expression throughout my entire life, taking their turns for varying periods of time. Each loving the other intensely, but always glad to take over the physical body and make it the true sym- bol of the boy or girl dominant at the time. Fortunately, a strange sort of friendly compromise has been worked out by these two egos. When the boy is in charge, MISTY impatiently awaits her turn. But when she fin- ally moves in-- well, WOW!!! MISTY goes right into high gear. So much in fact, it almost seems that her mind has been working subconsciously, all along, lining up outfits to wear, things to do, places to go, and friends to call. She quickly arranges visits to under- standing friends, or plans charming get-togethers here at home, with delicious food, candle-light, wine and all the trimmings. MISTY is an excellent cook, and delights in preparing buffet-style dinners which require a minimum amount of serving. She dresses most attra- ctively in a strapless cocktail outfit, with a darling